sexta-feira, 3 de abril de 2009

Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest

AWESOME. (Excelente álbum)

LISTEN: Myspace | Official Site | The Hype Machine
REVIEW: StereoGum | PasteMagazine | Pitchfork


To buy a physical copy of the album click here



1. Southern Point
2. Two Weeks *[mp3] (Live on Letterman)
3. All We As
4. Fine For Now *[mp3] (Live)
5. Cheeleader *[mp3] (Live in Boston)
6. Dory
7. Ready, Able
8. About Face
9. Hold Still
10. While You For The Others *[mp3] (Live on KCRW)
11. Live With You
12. Foreground

Rating: (4,8/5.0)
SpaceInvaders Recommendation


1 comentário:

mariana, a miserável disse...

eu já sei o que vais postar aqui a seguir